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Beloved by many, Amsterdam has found its place on Pinterest by millions of people all trying to showcase the best of the best, so how can I compete? Nonetheless, I too have fallen for the city’s charm and romance while strolling the canals and taking in the culture and share with you some of the best things to do in Amsterdam in a day!

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A Simple Guide to Strolling the Canals in Amsterdam, The Netherlands - California Globetrotter

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History of Amsterdam

Every city in Europe is special and unique, offering glimpses into the past of that town’s history. Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands has such special characteristics that truly make it one of a kind. The name “Amsterdam” actually derives from several floods in 1170 and 1173 on the Amstel river. After the floods, the residents built a bridge dam over the river, therefore, creating the name which we know today.

What truly makes Amsterdam so special is that there are over 100 kilometers of canals, 90 islands and 1,281 bridges throughout the entire city which was designed in the 17th century. That means that Amsterdam actually has MORE canals and bridges than Venice making it one of the most amazing canal cities in Europe! The city of Amsterdam took into consideration of an ever growing population and therefore, strategically planned and dug the three main canals, Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht in the shape of a half circle, as well as a strategic fourth military canal. Over time, the population steadily increased and expanded into the neighboring areas.

Today, visiting Amsterdam is one of the most popular things to do in the Netherlands and therefore it can get quite crowded. For those who perhaps can’t handle the crowds should consider more interesting towns for example, Rotterdam, like Amsterdam but way cooler. Other great day trips from Amsterdam include Utrecht, Zaanse Schans and of course, there are many things to do in the Hague!

Amsterdam Train Station

Before you get your sightseeing on, check out the Amsterdam Centraal Station! It is one of the most stunning train stations in Europe, on the outside! Amsterdam Centraal is even a National Heritage site and first opened in 1889. It was designed by Pierre Cuypers who also designed the Rijksmuseum further in town. It is the largest and the second busiest train station in the Netherlands.

Enjoy a view of Amsterdam from the Openbare Bibliotheek

From the train station, head left to the Openbare Bibliotheek (Public Library) (aka Centrale Bibliotheek). The library has moved several times and most recently, in 2007 to it’s current location just east of the train station. It looks incredibly modern on the outside and doesn’t look anything like the glorious architecture styles of the 17th century. Our goal was to take the elevator up to the top floor, also known as “The Discovery of Heaven Room” because it offers a great view over Amsterdam looking from the outside in. It is free to go to the top and have a look around or even stop and enjoy a coffee here.

Don’t get run over by the bikers!

Just a quick note of forewarning: the citizens of Amsterdam are crazy bike lovers and they even have their own special bike roads which follow the main roads. Not only that, but the bikers bike wherever they want, so WATCH OUT! And they are damn serious about their bikes! I saw a mom riding with two kids on her bike, one in the front hugging the handle bars and another on the back and other times, people riding around with what looked like a wheel barrow on the front of the bike.

If you’re on a budget, consider some cheap things to do in Amsterdam such a riding a bike, perhaps even out to some of Amsterdam’s parks.

Amsterdam’s Old Church & the Red Light District

A great place to start your stroll around the canals is at the Oude Kerk which is Amsterdam’s oldest church, dating back to 1213 located almost in the center of the city and Amsterdam’s main Red Light District. Unfortunately, by the time we got round to the church, it was closed, however, it was a lovely area in which to stroll around. There are 35 windows from which prostitutes sell their services. We happened to go on Sunday, which I guess is a day of rest and cleansing as no women were standing in their windows. You will also stumble up a small golden statue in the ground of a boob grab and apparently I missed a larger statue of “Belle” which honors all the prostitutes around the world which was placed here in 2007. I was too busy admiring the buildings!

Take a gander at the Royal Palace of Amsterdam

Not far from the Old Church is the Koninklijk Paleis (Royal Palace of Amsterdam) which is still occasionally used by the Dutch royal family for official functions. It was built as the Stadhuis (city hall) in 1648 during the Dutch Golden Age. It dominates the Dam Square where you can also find a Madame Tussands as well as a World War II memorial just opposite honoring those who perished under the Third Reich.

Take a Tour of the Anne Frank House

Just a few canals over you can find the Anne Frank Huis (house), who is probably the best-known victim of WWII from Holland. Most of us have at some point read the Diary of Anne Frank which tells the story of the life of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who lived in hiding before being deported to a concentration camp from the Nazis in the German occupied Netherlands during WWII. While I have not yet gotten the chance to go inside the house, it now looks totally modern as the originally house was on a list of house to be demolished after the war. But her surviving father, Otto Frank and others campaigned a foundation known as the Anne Frank House, therefore, preserving her life and memories.

Buy some Tulips from the Floating Flower Market

The Bloemenmarkt was founded in 1892 on the Singel Canal and is the world’s only floating market near this clock tower passage! This is a relic for when the flowers used to be brought in by floating barges. Here you can find 15 florists and garden shops. While I was hoping they would sell fresh tulips, there were none to be found. I assume this is because tulips aren’t currently in season, therefore, they offer you carved wooden tulips from a variety of colors to last you a lifetime. The exciting thing for true gardeners is that you can buy tulip bulbs of any shade of tulip you want. Too bad I don’t garden, nor do I have one! On the plus side, the buildings which line the flower market are typical 17th century Dutch houses that I became obsessed with! I just loved the architecture!

Relax in front of the Rijkmuseum

Further south, you will eventually come to what looks like a giant palace, but is actually just the Rijksmuseum which was designed by the same person who built the main train station. The museum was originally founded in the Hague in 1800 but moved to Amsterdam in 1808 but didn’t open at its current location until 1885. While I am not a museum-goer, this museum offers plenty to look at. While walking around this area, someone was blowing huge bubbles and the crowds of tourists were instantly happier and more bubbly. *ba-dump*

However, it is pretty to take pictures of, especially with the Amsterdam motto sign “IAMSTERDAM” located directly in front of it. This was placed here in 2007 as a slogan for the city and it quickly became a touristy attraction to climb all over to snap memorable pictures. Today it’s one of Amsterdam’s main attractions as it’s quite photogenic!

“M” is for Mr. & Mrs. Travelholic!

Admire some art at the Van Gogh Museum

This area is also known as the Museum Square and you can also find the Van Gogh Museum. While I didn’t visit it this time, I did go in my first time to Amsterdam. My first time visiting, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Van Gogh’s most popular painting, the Starry Night, but unfortunately, as is usual, the painting resides in New York. However, some of his other paintings which can be seen are his Self-Portrait (1888), Sunflowers (1889) and his Almond Blossoms (1890).

Stuff your face with Indonesian food!

While doing some research into typical Dutch cuisine, I wanted to know what to eat in Amsterdam when I discovered much to my surprise that Indonesian food is a large part of the identity of the Netherlands. This is due to the Dutch East India Trading company and the arrival of former Dutch colonials and people from the colonies migrating to the Netherlands. I told Michelle this and her boyfriend researched until he found one of the best rated Surinamese restaurants in town called Warung Spang Makandra. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it was delicious!!!

Fill up on cheese samples from the Amsterdam Cheese Company

Afterwards, we meandered around and we decided to check out an Amsterdam Cheese Company. Originally, I just wanted pictures of all the cheese but then I discovered much to my surprise that there were endless amounts of cheese sampling. So we sampled every….single…cheese and then bought some to take home with us. This was perfect as we had planned to do Brotzeit on our lunches throughout out vacation to save money.

Stroll around the canals

Being one of the most beautiful canal cities in Europe, it’s only natural that we strolled around them! As I was being led around the city by a friend, I didn’t quite pay attention to where to were on the map and after a while one canal blended in with the next. There were so many and I was so fascinated by the beautiful architecture that I couldn’t keep up with the name and locations while catching up with my friend. Nonetheless, it seems that even Amsterdam isn’t immune to the display of love locks wherever possible.

A Simple Guide to Strolling the Canals in Amsterdam, The Netherlands - California GlobetrotterA Simple Guide to Strolling the Canals in Amsterdam, The Netherlands - California Globetrotter

So here, I will add a few things I did from my 2008 trip, so excuse the quality of the pictures!

Enjoy a beer at a Windmill!

One of the most awesome breweries I have ever been to was right here in Amsterdam, purely because they had a windmill! The Brouwerij ‘t ij (IJ Brewery) is located in a former bath house next to the De Gooyer windmill. It was opened in 1985 as a response to the dissatisfaction of beer consumers of beer produced by larger breweries. They produce 8 beers, 3 seasonal beers as well as a few limited edition beers. At the time, I didn’t know this, but they offer brewery tours as well!

Devour some delicious Pofferjes

One of the yummiest things to eat in the Netherlands are Pofferjes, which are tiny, fluffy pancakes which are served with powdered sugar and butter. Sometimes, they even come with syrup, whipped cream or strawberries. I was able to try these when stepping back in time in a small café called t’Smalle. Upon walking through the doors, you would think that the café was 200 years old but in actuality, it was opened in 1978, although much of the original interior has been well preserved. Make sure to climb up the tiny staircase to the loft above the bar.

Puff, Puff, Passssss

Also, not to be missed while in Amsterdam is sitting down at a one of Amsterdam’s best Coffee Shops. (If you want a coffee, go to a café!) Coffee shops have been a part of the identity of Amsterdam since the 1970s when the Dutch government made a clear distinction between soft and hard drugs. The use of marijuana has since sat in a grey area, yet there are plenty of rules & regulations one must be aware of before going all stoner-happy in Amsterdam.

While in Amsterdam the first time, I was 22 and felt the need to experience smoking a joint in the capital of legalized marijuana. So a friend and I shared a joint before snacking on some special brownies. Although, in my opinion it ruined the taste of the brownie! This time though, I didn’t feel the need to have direct contact with MJ because one can easily enjoy the contact high as there are over 200 coffee shops throughout town a-bubblin’. Not only are people smoking bongs right in open windows, but people walk around smoking joints or puff-puff-passsssing pipes. And yes, I got photo bombed by a leg lifting Can-Can woman walking like a crazy person.

Sit in a Dutch clog big enough for two!

Amsterdam is one of the most amazing cities I have ever been to with amazing architecture, culture and history. I could have strolled the canals for days and not gotten bored! I was sad to have only spent a day there on this trip, but I know we will go back again one day! Until then, I will enjoy all the touristy photos I took that I almost never ever do! Maybe the contact high brought out my crazy for the afternoon!

While we didn’t stay in Amsterdam as we had visited a friend, if you’re considering visiting Amsterdam with kids and looking for the best family friendly hotels in the city, there are a ton to choose from! Staying in town will definitely save you a lot of time, giving you more ability to see more of the city!

If you’re interested in visiting the Netherlands and are looking for more information, I highly recommend using the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide and Lonely Planet! Without these guides, I would be lost! This is my travel Bible!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I might make a little extra spending money, at no extra cost to you. As always, all opinions are my own and these products/services have been found useful during our travels and come highly recommended to you from yours truly!

More adventures from the Netherlands:

Utrecht: The Less Touristy Version of Amsterdam

Zaanse Schans: Windmills, Clogs & Cheese!!

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Replies to A Day Strolling the Canals of Amsterdam

  1. Ooh, it looks so pretty! And I love the Miffy! When I was in Amsterdam it was February and FREEZING! It looks like you had perfect weather. I so need to go back in summer!

  2. Sounds like you’ve seen a lot of Amsterdam’s attractions, it’s such a beautiful city. I regret not going to the Public Library, the view from the top is gorgeous! <3

  3. Beautiful pictures! I love Amsterdam and I will seriously consider living there, if given the chance. I could spend all day walking along its canals.

  4. I love walking in Amserdam too. My kids really wanted to ride the bikes around the canals but I thought it was just unsafe with all the taxis, cars, buses and trams. We discovered the Indonesian food too – yum! In fact I’m not sure I had much typically ‘Dutch’ food the entire trip; Amsterdam had such great ethnic food options.

  5. Wow! So much to see and do. We’re hitting the Netherlands in 2017. I’ve pinned your post to help with planning. I can’t wait to get started on my itinerary. Thanks for the tips. I’m your newest Bloglovin’ follower. XOXO

  6. I never knew that there were 1,500 bridges in Amsterdam! I love the city but really due another visit soon. I remeber how delicious Pofferjes are! Ummm I want one now! Thanks for linking up with #MondayEscapes

  7. There are so many fun things to do! Top of my list would be the floating flower market. And walking along all those beautiful canals! Despite living in the UK for 30.5 years I never made it to Amsterdam… Shocking, I know.

  8. Love the giant clog! Haven’t been to Amsterdam in ages so need to plan a trip back! My daughter in particular would love a
    L the Miffy statues. I remember being overwhelmed by the number of bikes on my first visit when I was 13. Do go to the Anne Frank museum on your next visit. An emotional and thought-provoking place. Thanks for linking #citytripping

  9. I have so enjoyed your pictures. It is like a stroll down memory lane. I lived in Germany for 10 years and loved Germany and all of the countries we were fortunate to visit. The photos are beautiful.

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