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Café über Kopf - Toppels' Roadside Cafe | Upside Down House in Germany | Strange Things in Germany | Unique Places to Visit in Germany | Kid-Friendly Places to Visit in Germany | Best Road Trip Pitstop in Germany | Instagram Fun Destination in Germany | Day Trip from Frankfurt | Things to do near Frankfurt #Germany - California Globetrotter

Road trip through Germany? Why not! There’s so much to see and do, but you can only drive so much before you just can’t drive any further. Sometimes you need a good pick me up, with a yummy coffee or sometimes your Kinder in the back seat need to be set free to let off some steam. Driving miles on end on the Autobahn or sitting in traffic for hours can grow dull and start to make people a bit cranky. Well, have no fear. There’s a cure for this lull in your road trip!

Tips for Traveling to Germany

If you’re traveling to or from or in between Nuremberg and Frankfurt, along the A3, not far from Würzburg, you’ll spot off in the distance a strange house. It won’t be like any house you’ve ever seen before, as it’s upside down. You’ll take a second glance and shake your head and wonder if you were just dreaming. No, you aren’t dreaming. This is real. And quite possibly one of the strangest things in Germany!

The Topples Roadside Cafe (Café über Kopf) opened earlier in 2016 and has since been blowing up Instagram’s feed! The house is designed to look like a typical family home, owned by the fictitious Toppels family, but nothing is in “Ordnung”. Everything from the dog house to the car in the garage in this two story house has been turned upside down all for your amusement. Each room in the house has a different personality, from a teenage boy’s room to a vintage 50’s style kitchen! This roadside attraction in Germany is definitely a family-fun activity to break up a long road trip!

Here, you’ll find a world that will turn your reality upside down…. LITERALLY, from the moment you park in the parking lot, hooking you up with some of the most awesome Instagram posts, confusing your friends and family and leaving them wondering how in the heck you did that! This is bound to be one of the most fun and unique roadside attractions you’ll ever visit! And if you thought Alice in Wonderland was hard to grasp, this will leave you mind-boggled!

As you enter the café, you’ll notice that even everything inside the cafe is upside down, from the pictures, to the food plaques and even the tables and chairs! Stop and enjoy a coffee and a snack here to rejuvenate yourself before you get pack on the road…. or go play inside the house!

For a small fee, the whole family can walk into a world that will trip you out, but be sure to bring your camera with you, otherwise that’s no fun!

But how does it work?

As you walk from room to room, everything is correctly assembled, you are standing upright, but everything is on the ceiling. In the bathroom, the sink and the bath tub are topsy turvy, prompting any numerous, hysterical poses with your head in the toilet or do a handstand on the sofa in the living room! If you do go to the loo, please take care! It’s a logistic nightmare!

But still you don’t get it?

It’s all about the pictures! Do any pose and let your imagination run wild, all the while snapping pictures. **Hint, don’t take pictures showing your feet! Once you’re done, flip your pictures before you post them on social media and you’re bound to leave a few people scratching their head and wondering how the sofa isn’t falling on your head!

This is one pit stop bound to break up a long drive and give you a few laughs before you get back on the road and continue your journey!

Opening Times: 365 days a year, 9 am – 7 pm, including public holidays!

Entry Fee:

  • Adults: 4,50 €
  • Children (4–14): 3,50 €
  • 0-3 = free!

Address: TOPPELS – Verdrehte Welt – Almosenberg 6 – 97877 Wertheim

If you’re interested in visiting Germany and are looking for more information, I highly recommend using the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide! Without these guides, I would be lost! This is my travel Bible!


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I might make a little extra spending money, at no extra cost to you. As always, all opinions are my own and these products/services have been found useful during our travels and come highly recommended to you from yours truly!

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Replies to Café über Kopf – The Best Road Trip Pit Stop EVER!!

  1. Hahah this looks so fun! What a cool place to stop to break up a long journey! I have to admit the first picture I saw of you upside down, I thought “How isn’t her dress falling, well, up” then I realized what was happening hahah .. Also I can completely see how the bathroom would be a logistical nightmare 🙂

  2. Haha! This is SO cool. I seriously love weird/unique/you wouldn’t find them unless you knew about them sites like this!! I think the dog house is my fave ;P

  3. This has got to be the coolest place to make a pit stop ever! I love how every room has a unique personality, especially that 50’s style kitchen! I totally wouldn’t have thought about not taking pictures of my feet though, so thanks for the reminder!

  4. Totally Freaking Awesome! Just showed my daughter she wants to go! Amazing, how on earth did they build an upside down house – with an upside down car in the car port! What a brilliant place to go this is so creative and would be enormous fun to visit. #WanderfulWednesday

  5. Not going to lie… my head hurts just trying to understand this… but it’s also screaming this is the college thing EVER!!!!!!

  6. Oh. My. Gosh. I know that some titles can be hyperbole, but this really is the best road trip pit stop ever. I really want to visit this place! How cool is it! #WanderfulWednesday

  7. Looks like you had fun here! We road tripped through Germany in the 1980s. I have lots of wonderful memories, but nothing like this. #WanderfulWednesday

  8. Huh? What?? Awesome!! And why have I never seen this before??? Oh wait, we usually take the A6 or A8 when traversing Germany. Boo – boring! You have me looking at maps to see if I can (somehow) make a small detour when we drive to Austria next month 😀

  9. I’ve been loving your topsy turvy posts on Instagram. Who thinks of making an upside down house? Actually, who cares? It’s a lot of fun and a great way to break up a roadtrip #farawayfiles

  10. This is crazy but so much fun! I’m still not entirely sure how it works but love the idea of stopping for a while in an upside-down house. I particularly loved the photo of you upside down in the bath! Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles

    1. Everything is glued to the “ceiling” (floor) of the house. You walk in like normal and everything is above you. Snap a picture, don’t show your fit, flip the picture upside down and you have yourself a topsy turvy world!

  11. How fun — and funny! We visited Nuremberg last year and loved it, so I hope to return. We will keep this in mind for a fun visit!

  12. I’ve seen pictures of the cafe from the outside but I didn’t know that it was as crazy on the inside as well, that’s awesome!! Definitely need to visit it one day!!

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