When you think of Europe, you automatically think of its romantic, whimsical castles, perched high on a hill overlooking a picturesque town below. It’s hard to imagine a time when it was normal for royalty to walk these palaces, surrounded in gilded hallways and gold, stuccoed ballrooms. It’s also fascinating to wonder what they might think today to see thousands of tourists every day walking through their homes. But nonetheless, the average girl can finally experience what it’s like to be a princess, if only for a few hours in some of Europe’s most beautiful castles!

Europe is already an intriguing place to visit, as well as the most popular tourist destination in the world. But before you traverse this beautiful continent, why not learn about the royal past of Europe, of the kings and queens who shaped the continent as well as built some of the most stunning castles and palaces in Europe, all the while leading tumultuous lives behind closed doors filled with gossip, rivalries, heartbreak and more!

For those wanting to explore more of Central / Eastern Europe, this itinerary will pack in a lot to do in four of the most fascinating capitals! First, begin your journey in Prague where you will be blown away with jaw-dropping architecture, colorful buildings and picturesque moments.

Guest Post by David from Travelsewhere When you travel to Europe, you kind of expect to find some unbelievably picturesque cities and towns. Places like Colmar, Hallstatt, Positano and the Cotswolds are well known for their overwhelming adorableness. But they’re among a much wider community than you might realize. Spread throughout Europe are charming little […]

Budapest, Hungary has been by far one of the most interesting places I have traveled to. I really enjoyed it. Not only are the buildings super awesome, but the history is very intriguing and when you walk around Budapest, you can still see the scars of history left behind on the buildings which tells a story.

I wasn’t sure what to except as this was my first time to Hungary, but I left wanting to go back! It is now in my Top 5 favorite cities in Europe because there are sooo many more things to do in Budapest!

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